Vancouver 2008
The 2008 InterCity visit highlighted Vancouver's intended and unintended consequences of high density development downtown and in regional town centers, efforts to provide affordable housing, education the Canadian way, challenges facing fast growth suburban cities, downtown circulation and how public private partnerships are managed.

Vancouver Overview
Former Mayors Discuss Tipping Point Decisions for Vancouver
Emergence of 'Live First' Downtown from a Private Sector Viewpoint
'Vancouverism' High Density Development: Intended & Unintended Consequences
- Bing Thom, Founding Principal, Bing Thom Architects
- Trevor Boddy, Architectural Critic and Columnist
Utilizing Public/Private Partnership Solutions to Serve Public Interests
Regional Town Centers - Managing Growth in Fast Growth Suburban Communities
Regional and Sustainable Planning – What Worked, What Didn't, What is Being Done Differently
- Delia Laglagaron, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer/Deputy Commissioner, Metro Vancouver
- Chris DeMarco, Manager of Regional Planning, Metro Vancouver
- Prioritizing and Funding Roads, Rail, Buses and Operations
- Bob Paddon, VP Corporate & Public Affairs, TransLink
Providing Affordable Housing In Downtown
- Cameron Gray, Director Housing Center, Community Services City of Vancouver
- Karen Cooper, BC Housing
- Karen Stone, Executive Director, BC Non-profit Housing Association
Public Safety – Downtown and Around the City
- Councilor Kim Capri, City of Vancouver
- Geoff Plant, Civil City Commissioner, City of Vancouver
Providing Arts and Cultural Opportunities
- Sue Harvey, Managing Director, City of Vancouver Cultural Services Community Services Group
Creating the Vancouver Economy
- Simon Pimstone, Chairman, Life Sciences BC
- John Tylee, Director of Research & Communications, Vancouver Economic Development Commission
- Kenton Low, President, NewsMedia BC