At just 16 years old, Brance Tully experienced a day at work that he will never forget. In June 2020, Brance went to work at an automotive shop where he was cleaning the gutters from the rooftop. After falling through a skylight, his life was changed forever.

Brance fell about 16 feet to the concrete floor below, resulting in countless broken bones and internal damage. As his employer’s workers’ compensation provider, Texas Mutual Insurance Company stepped in to help Brance get the medical care he needed. After a lengthy hospital stay, many different treatments and realizing that he’d need to relearn how to walk, talk, eat and even move his arms, Brance felt helpless.

With Texas Mutual’s continued support, over 20 surgeries and a kidney transplant, Brance began to feel hopeful about his future. His story of resilience and his hard work and determined attitude even won him a 2022 Comp Laude Award in the injured worker category. The Comp Laude Awards, hosted by WorkCompCentral, highlight individuals and organizations for their contributions to the workers’ comp industry.

It’s been about three years since Brance’s accident and Texas Mutual continues to support his recovery with an ongoing treatment plan that will ensure that he has our help for years to come. We are inspired by Brance’s recovery, honored to be a part of his journey and grateful to help hardworking Texans like him get the help they need.

Watch Brance’s incredible story and hear him talk about his future.

Workplace safety

As the state’s leading workers’ compensation provider, our goal is to prevent incidents like the one Brance experienced by promoting workplace safety and providing our policyholders with valuable safety and health resources, including the state’s largest safety services department. However, we recognize that accidents do happen and have a dedicated claims department ready to assist. When incidents occur, we prioritize getting injured employees the care they need and partnering with their employer and medical provider to help them return to a productive life.

See more injured employee success stories here.

Our commitment to working Texans

Caring for injured employees and providing safety services to our policyholders are two ways that we’re supporting working Texans – today and tomorrow. We’re committed to addressing issues that impact Texas employees to ensure everyone has access to safe working environments and what they need to seize opportunities for prosperity. To learn more about our commitments, view our corporate citizenship strategy.

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