Staff and Opportunity Austin Investors Meet with Companies in First-Ever Business Retention Event
Posted on 03/13/2023 by Bryce Bencivengo

As we embark on 2023, the Austin region is set to continue its economic growth, despite a national slowdown. Opportunity Austin has always believed our region’s business community was poised to lead the country in greatness; however, we must be proactive and keep a pulse on our companies. To do this we held our first-ever Business Retention Blitz on February 21 and 22. We had seven teams; each team had an OA staff person and two OA lead investors, meeting with companies representing a diverse set of industry sectors.
There were a variety of issues discussed, including infrastructure, workforce development, and public safety. Our teams thanked our companies for their continued investment in the Austin Region and their partnership with us to continue economic development. The leadership of these companies shared insight into their success and some of the challenges they are encountering.
To celebrate the successful Blitz, a wrap-up event for the investors and company representatives was held March 2 to share the highlights of the meetings. Summary reports, with key data will be produced to inform our strategy and work plans. Be on the lookout for the business retention data and reports at future Opportunity Austin meetings.

Related Categories: Economic Development