Local businesses recognized for excellence at Greater Austin Business Awards

Posted on 09/14/2017 by Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce

More than 1,000 attendees recently joined the Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce for the 17th annual Greater Austin Business Awards.

Our local area businesses do so much for our communities. They provide jobs, pay taxes that support a broad range of services, as well as get engaged through supporting those in need through a variety of giving and social programs. The special evening recognized local businesses and organizations for their achievements, community contributions, and milestones. This year’s masters of ceremonies were Leslie Montoya and Claudia Talamantez from Univision.

Below are key takeaways from the event.

Nearly 500 companies were nominated for the Greater Austin Business Awards. There were 10 categories (community relations, customer service, environmentally friendly, executive leadership, innovation, global impact, first time entrepreneur, non-profit, company culture, health and wellness) judged by an independent panel based on the number of employees per company.

In addition, the Most Uniquely Austin Business Award was selected by the community through popular vote.

The 31 winners included:

The winner of the first time Entrepreneur Award was presented with a new Dell Inspiron 11 with touch convertible tablet from Dell Technologies. The recipient, Friends and Allies Brewing Company, received the award and computer from Doug Driskell, Vice President of Americas Commercial Remote Services at Dell and leader of the Opportunity Austin Air Service Task Force.

Separtely, the non-profit Austin’s Pet’s Alive received a $5,000 check from Blackbaud for their love and services to more than 25,000 animals in the Central Texas region.

Sponsors of award categories included Tru-Skin Dermatology for the Most Uniquely Award; Cook-Walden Funeral Home for the Community Relations Award; ABC Home for the Customer Service Award; Seton Healthcare for the Family Health and Wellness Award; Brookfield Residential for the Environmental Friendly Award; Wells Fargo for the Executive Leadership Award; Facebook for the Innovation Award; AT&T for the Global Impact Award; Dell Technologies for the First Time Entrepreneur Award; Blackbaud for the Non-Profit Award; and Texas Capital Bank for the Company Culture Award.

After the devastation of Hurricane Harvey in South Texas, attendees were provided with resources on ways they can help victims of the natural disaster.

“I know that the Austin business community, including so many caring people in this room, will reach out to offer assistance, “ said Ellen Wood, Chair of the Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce. “Many of you have already done so. It’s part of what makes the Austin region and Texas so special.

Business leaders were encouraged to provide financial contributions, supplies, offer shelter, and volunteer with local and national nonprofits. This included the American Red Cross and local community groups like the Austin Diaper Bank, Austin Disaster Relief Network, Austin Pets Alive!, Central Texas Food Bank, and the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund.

For more than a century, local businesses have played a critical role in making the Central Texas region work for residents, the economy, and communities they serve. Recently, more than 100 Texas businesses advocated for the equality of all Texans by opposing the discriminatory bathroom legislation at the Texas Capitol.

“Your collaborative business engagement in helping to address the needs of the Austin Texas Region makes a huge difference,” said Wood during the program. “And our community needs your active participation.”

The proposed legislation was defeated during the 30-day special session called by Governor Greg Abbott. The legislation would have undermined the region’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. It also would have seriously imperiled tourism as well as hampered our job generation efforts which are largely led by a program of the Chamber called Opportunity Austin.

For 13 years, the Greater Austin Chamber has led Opportunity Austin, an economic development program dedicated to ensuring the region continues to thrive.

Created in 2004, the program was formed when City Council asked the business community for help when the region was experiencing hard economic times. Since then, the partnership has had more than 750 investors who have provided $54 million in private contributions and has been a dynamic force driving the region’s economy through job creation, education, innovation, and quality of life. Recent examples of the work of Opportunity Austin include being the first to call for what became the Dell Medical School, which opened last year, and bringing Merck to Austin with a new global Innovation Hub that will create 600 new jobs for Austinites.

To see photos of the event, click here.

For more upcoming Chamber events, click here.

Related Categories: Chamber, Membership